Railway pictures from Birmingham to Wolverhampton

Friday, June 15, 2007

Snow Patrol

A rare visitor to Bescot on the 15th January 1982 was Crompton 33033. It's parked up with 47348 and an unknown Class 25.

Photo taken by D Jennings


GWR55 said...

Superb !

mini guru said...

Oh my GOD !!! Ive took a shot of that machine on shed . So you've given me the date aswell !!!!.
Will have to post mine now.
This just gets better !!!!!!!!!!!!

Josh said...

Blimey that's scary! What a great line-up, and even a Class 47 would be worth seeing there today. Don't suppose we ever will eh?


Thats just massive. I saw 33s at Saltley but never Bescot. A couple appeared at Bescot in the late 90s on the Eastleigh to Crewe 442 moves. Did anyone get any shots? Even though, still not as classic a shot as that.....

GWR55 said...

I've just checked my diary for this date - it was a Friday and I was at Bescot on the late turn (1400-2200), but I can't recall seeing this Crompton though !!! The previous two days i've got written down as strike days - it must have been an ASLEF drivers strike which is possibly why the 33 was dumped at Bescot...