Railway pictures from Birmingham to Wolverhampton

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Ice Cream Van

'Celebrity' Rat 25322 Tamworth Castle in Bescot Holding Sidings on 12th June 1984
Photo taken by D Jennings


GWR55 said...

A superbly turned out beast, and a great shot.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yes! I remember seeing that in Tyseley depot when it was first painted up, when you could just walk round and nobody said nowt. 20090 and 20104 I also saw in there freshly painted in Railfreight grey..........

GWR55 said...

Phill Bartlett has got another shot of the beast working through Bescot around the same time, on 3G20 Sutton Park - Curzon St parcels ! Unrepeatable days, everything has gone...

mini guru said...

Oh Brill !!!!!
Just what the site required !
Never saw it in that liv, only BR blue. Given up by the time they got round to doing it .