Railway pictures from Birmingham to Wolverhampton

Monday, February 11, 2008

37/4s To The Fore

A selection of 37/4s at Bescot North End. On 28.07.99 37429 is 30 minutes down with a New Street bound service from Holyhead, while on 02.06.99 37417 and 37411 are on the 6V70 Cliffe Vale to St Blazey china clay empties, meanwhile, the North Wales coast services were being operated by freight 37s because the 37/4s had been withdrawn after a piece of 37421s bogies fell apart at speed, and this pair of 4s were on freight! Then on 24.03.99 37412 Driver John Elliot arrives on 6M63 from Warrington.


Regan said...

Was it really that long ago? 37s everywhere...

GWR55 said...

As this blog-owner doesn't seem to want to comment or post any longer we'll have to do it for him.... You're right, the flippin' things (37s) seemed to have taken over everything that the 25s/45s/47s ever did !